On the Day You Were Born

This is called by many, quite simply, the best birthday song ever.  Families and classrooms all over the world use this song to affirm the worth and value of their birthday girls or boys.  From Red's Parents' Choice "Gold" Award-winning CD, "Hello World". 

From Red Grammer's recording, Hello World!

On the day you were born (3x)
(the birthday of you)
Left arm in front of chest; right hand swoops underneath the left arm and up. Left arm still in the same position and the right elbow rests on the finger tips of left hand. The index finger of the right hand is pointing up. Slowly bring the right arm down on top of left arm. For the word you just point to the person.
The angels sang
angel - Touch the tops of your shoulders with finger tips and push away and out from body
(like wings taking off)
sang - extend the left arm; pointing the fingertips of the right hand to the left palm, wave the right arm back and forth.

And they blew on their horns
Pretend that you are playing a clarinet.
And they danced, they danced
Extend the left arm; pointing the index and middle finger of the right hand to the left palm, wave the right arm back and forth.
They smiled and raised up their hands
With index fingers pointed at the middle of your mouth have fingers trace the mouth outward like you are making a smile then raise both hands straight in the air.
On the day, on the day that you were born
Repeat step 1 

“Red Grammer Live Weekly Family Concert"
Thursday 9am (PDT)— Facebook.com/redgrammermusic

Red Grammer Concerts

Red Grammer Concerts

“Belief, resilience, and joy fill his music.” Parent's Choice