Say Hi!

This song has given countless shy children a playful context for practicing saying "hello" and beginning to learn the "how to's" of social interaction.  Greeting and welcoming others is a basic building block for the building of community.  You can use this song in your classroom or family to take this social skill to a whole new level. 

Themes: Shyness, social interaction, courage, community, social skills

Themes: Shyness, social interaction, courage, community, social skills

A Movement Lesson created by Red Note Records

Materials Needed

“Say Hi!” from the recording Teaching Peace
CD player


1. Children form two circles, an inner circle and an outer circle. For the first verse, both circles will move clockwise to the beat of the music. As they are moving, the children imitate what Red is singing in the first verse. For example, Red sings “Did you know some kids are shy?” – the children will act out being shy by lowering their head with eyes away from their friends, etc.

2. At the chorus, the circles stop moving. The children on the inside circle face the children on the outside circle. The children stand up tall, take an exaggerated deep breath, look their partner in the eye (or point to their own eyes), wave, and say “Hi!”

3. During the second verse, the children follow the same procedure as in step 1.

4. For the chorus, the children follow the same as step 2.

5. During the instrumental interlude (when Red is whistling), the children are still facing each other. Now the inside circle goes clockwise and the outside circle goes counter-clockwise. They stop and face each person before moving on, say “Hello,” and give their names. This continues so that every one will get a chance to say hello to each other and, hopefully, it is completed before the whistling is done.

6. During the third verse, the children follow the same procedure as in step 1.

7. At the very end, when Red says “Don't be lookin' down at your feet, you've got to look 'em in the eye and say…” both circles stop and face each other again and they shout out “Hi!” to each other.

This is a great song to use at the beginning of the school year so that students can introduce themselves to each other.  It can be used as a fun way to introduce a new student to the rest of the class during the school year.  It is also a fun song to use when a guest comes for a visit to your classroom.

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